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C++ Builder 12 Athens - Parte 1

Durata: 2 giorni | Prezzo: € 800,00


Il corso adatto per chi inizia con C++ Builder.


  • A Tour of C++Builder
    • C++ Builder Overview
    • The C++ Builder Environment
    • Environment Configuration
  • Projects, Headers,CPP and Forms
    • CPP and Forms
    • Project Options
    • Compiling and Linking
  • Form Designer
    • Overview
    • Visual User Interface Design
    • Configuring the Form Designer
    • Component Types
    • Naming Conventions
    • Creating a Simple Form
    • Using the Object Inspector to Set Properties
    • Programming Events
    • Running a Form
    • Multi Device designer
  • Component Sampler
    • Overview
    • View Management
    • Creating A File System Interface
  • Advanced Component Sampler
    • Overview
    • PageControls
    • Dialog Components
    • The Animate Component
    • Using the MonthCalendar Component
  • Menus
    • Common Menu Characteristics
  • The C++ Language
    • Overview
    • Language Basics
    • Fundamental Control Elements
    • Data Types
    • Data Structures
  • Program Structure and Scoping
    • Program Structure and Syntax
    • Unit Structure and Syntax
  • Object-Oriented Programming in C++
    • Code Explorer and Class Completion
  • Advanced OOP
    • Polymorphism
    • Inheritance & multiple inheritance
    • Method Overloading
    • Typecasting Objects
  • VCL Overview
    • VCL Architecture
    • VCL Components
    • Working With Components
  • Firemonkey Overview
    • Firemonkey Architecture
    • Firemonkey Components
    • Firemonkey vs VCL
    • Working With Firemonkey Components
    • Writing cross platform applications
    • Windows
    • MacOSX
    • Android
    • iOS
    • Animations & effects
    • FireUI
  • LiveBindings
    • Introduction
    • Using LiveBindings in real world applications
    • Mastering LiveBindings in FireMonkey and VCL
  • Using the Debugger
    • Overview
    • Debugger Options
  • Exceptions in C++
    • Run-time Error Handling
    • Exception Syntax
    • Try…catch
    • User Defined Exceptions
  • Templates and the ObjectRepository
    • Creating Templates
    • Template Strategies
    • General Rules of Template Design

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